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Forthcoming 2023 - with more paintings to come

Shit is the new gold

Heat your fondue

Acrylic on paper


Based on the use of a biogas reactor to collect, store and treat the excreta,  biogas toilets produce biogas, which can be burned for cooking, lighting, or electricity generation


-> This sketch here (oil pastel on paper) describes a biogas toilet producing methane, with the typical light blue flames characterizing gas stoves. Going to the toilet produces energy. 


Fertilize yourself

Acrylic on paper


The annual amount of human excreta of one person corresponds to the amount of fertilizer needed to produce 250 kg of cereal which is also the amount of cereal that one person needs to consume per year.

-> This painting tries to show how crucial can human excreta be. Behind the usual boxes of cereal, stands a dry toilet. The light in the middle creates a link between the two and an impression of circularity is reinforced by the milk pouring down on the cereal.


Holy shit

Acrylic on paper


Safe reuse of human waste saves water, reduces and takes on greenhouse gas emissions, and provides sustainable inputs (water, fertilizers, and nutrient-rich by-products) to agriculture.


- > A growing part of humanity lives and will live in big cities in high-density housing, which is a challenge for the sage reuse of human waste. Dry toilets, or the application of the BioLitter dry toilet principle on a “collective scale” using « eco-friendly » flush toilets, are two solutions. This painting shows 2 dry toilets in an urban garden setting. Their borders are painted with golden leaves to represent the critical resources they are in the achievement of sustainable development. 

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